When Nylon opened it’s doors back in 1 May 2012, we have always felt that good coffee should be affordable and not a luxury. Hence we decided on a coffee menu with prices that we feel are within the reach for any man or woman, young or old, on the street.
31 months on, we have seen and felt the impact of rising green coffee prices. Coffee farming has never been more challenging with coffee rust disease, climate change and labour shortage affecting the harvests for the producers. We have seen with our own eyes how difficult it is to produce quality coffee when we visit origins, hence we firmly believe in paying an equitable amount to producers for their hard work. Specialty coffee is unlike commercial coffee where prices fluctuate closely with the C futures market. There is a premium which is tied to quality and in order to sustain the continuous pursuit of better quality, we, as roasters/buyers, need to play a part in supporting this cause. Despite increasing costs and challenges, we still chose to continue to work with these farms who believed in our vision to bring in their hard work and share with coffee lovers in this part of the world.
Earlier this year, we expanded our shop space at Everton park to accommodate more customers and added a couple more air conditioners to make everyone feel comfortable. We have seen many chatting up with “the guy sipping his coffee beside me” during the good old days of our original tiny space encompassing the four chairs but it feels even better now to see even more social interaction amongst our customers at the long communal table. This year, we also beefed up on our team and welcome two of our first full-timers to join us on board, Ashton and Audrey. They, together with a team of very able part-timers, have ensured we can continue to serve our customers promptly and deliver coffees that are of the highest consistency.
This hasn’t been an easy decision but we have decided after much deliberation to implement some small changes to the prices on our coffee menu. We are very grateful for your support over the years and we hope you will continue to do the same as we usher in the new year with promise of even better coffees and a great hospitality experience.
Wishing everyone a wonderful 2015 ahead! See you over for coffee soon.