Every coffee begins with a story and is unique in its own ways. Since our opening in 2012, we have chosen to focus on this “behind the scene” work, where we try to unveil the story of each coffee and present them to you. We are firm believers of working closely with the source to foster a relationship with the producers. We travel long distances to visit farms and cooperatives to see for ourselves the hard work put into the coffees that we are buying. In addition to our continuous pursuit for better tasting coffees, we soak in the experiences to understand from our peers every step from farming, harvesting and processing of coffee cherries. Through the journeys, friendships are built with the local partners/producers whom we trust will take good care of the farms and their workers.

Time and resources are committed each year for origin trips to maintain and explore new relationships and seek out more coffees. At Nylon, every facet of our business is based on sustainable, traceable and transparent relationships across the coffee chain. For certain coffee origins, we only work with trusted exporters who adhere to the same principles as us. We cherish our relationships with our customers, professional peers, partners at origins and a handful of trusted exporters. This network of relationships fuels our passion in creating an incredible coffee, delivered through an exemplary experience, that we hope will leave a lasting impression on you.
By sourcing great coffees from our producers, it makes our job a little easier when it comes to roasting them. We roast on an IMF roasting machine, and our approach to roasting has always been bringing out the full potential of what the coffees could be. Our roasting style emphasises on sweetness, balance and clarity in the cup without the introduction of any roast characteristics during the process of roasting. This way, we can continue to present the coffees as close to what our producers hope to share their fruits of labour to our customers.
We run a coffee bar in adjacent to our roastery so that anyone can drop by to enjoy a cup or grab a bag of our beans. There’s plenty of greenery in and out of the space to give the calm and tranquility as you enjoy every sip from the cup. Feel free to chat with our team or even fellow customers - we pride ourselves in having a very friendly community who frequents our space.