Back in 2012, we had the idea of creating a blend that is not only tasty but also seasonal, meaning that we will buy coffees that are in season during that time of the year with the aim to have coffees tasting their most vibrant and fresh. Even though many international roasters were already adopting the "seasonality" concept in sourcing and roasting, a lot of customers were not used to the idea of an evolving blend that changes every 3-4 months, as opposed to a blend which comprises of the same components the entire year. Seasonality when applied to coffee was something new to them and we had to explain to our customers so that they will understand the rationale behind a seasonal blend.
Coming up to 5 years, we definitely feel that our customers have a better understanding of how we go about to source our coffees, and how they are so similar to other fruits and vegetables that are seasonal. It took a while and it wasn't easy but it was necessary and utmost rewarding. The inaugural El Primero and subsequently, the Four Chairs seasonal blend, provided us with the platform to serve something that our customers are familiar with for a period of time and yet expose them to different tastes throughout the year. However, over time, we felt that some of the tasty aspects of each component of the blend get "over-shadowed" by the other component. Some of the components of our seasonal blend actually taste really good on its own. Through the countless days of roasting, cupping and making coffee, we felt that we have grown to be able to better showcase those coffees we source. Hence as we enter the new lunar year, we thought it is time to make the transition from having a seasonal espresso blend to only single origin espressos.
As we continue on this journey, our ethos to how we source remain the same - the goal to showcase the balance, clean cup and sweetness in coffees. As of the beginning of February, we have stopped blending coffees but instead showcase every single origin in its purest form, to do justice to the tremendous hard work that each and every producer whom we work with, has put in. We are confident what we buy are good enough to be enjoyed on its own. It's also our way to give them the due credit where it belongs.
So here's to more tasty coffees going forward!