Over the past 2 months, we have made some changes in our shop that most of you who had stopped by would have noticed. First to go was our coffee cart that had served as our coffee bar for more than 4 years, as well as the side countertop where we did all the washing and brewing. Ripping out the old, we have put together 3 brand new countertop islands, with a frontage crafted together using recycled pallet wood that would have otherwise gone to the landfill. The simplicity of the islands tend to disguise some of the thought process that have gone into the design, driven hugely by a need to create a more efficient and productive workspace for the team, without sacrificing any quality. Gone are the days that we bump into each other whilst bringing cups back to the washing area, or getting into each other way when we need to bring the milk out from the fridge. Judging from the past few weeks, we are extremely pleased to notice how our workflow has improved and how we can better serve coffees faster and better.

In the process of the mini-makeover, we have also taken the opportunity to replace our grinders and beloved espresso machine. We invested in the latest state of the art Mahlkonig Peak grinders as well as a customised La Marzocco Linea PB ABR. Over the past years, our team has definitely grown to a size where we are having more baristas pulling shots for you. The manual vintage La Marzocco GS2 was a superb machine, probably one of the best that we have used to make coffees, but it struggled to keep up with the speed and consistency as we have more customers into our little shop over time. We have been running in the new equipment for the past week and have been tweaking our recipes to get the best out from what these machines can offer. So far, the results have been great but we like to hear your feedback too. So make sure you let us know what you think of your coffees on your next visit!
In the process of the physical makeover, we have also embarked on rebranding ourselves after 4 years. The rebranding exercise kicked off with a brand new design for our logo, one that is simpler but also reflects a more mature feel that features a ‘N’ with 2 dots on each end of the the alphabet. From the day we opened our shop in 2012, one of our goals was getting close to the producers (one dot) for the coffees that we source, and bring along their stories to share with you - our customers (the other dot). Despite our tiny size, we’d like to think that we have definitely made some progress and stuck to our guns to deliver this message. Some might think that it is usually such unilateral information flow that interests the audience. But it’s also through these years that we have come to understand that our producers are also keen to hear the stories and feedback from our customers’ perspective. And for those producers that we are so honoured to be working together with over the past years, we are extremely proud to be that connector, to bring them closer to those who are enjoying their coffee even though they are thousand of miles away. Vice versa, we would like you to get to know the wonderful people of the farms that we work with, through that very cup of coffee in front of you. It’s what we’d like to think of as Nylon growing up.
In the coming weeks, our new logo will manifest itself across our other channels and collaterals such as our retail packaging, paper cups and website. It has been a tremendous undertaking for our small team to deliver these changes, but they would never have been possible without the good folks from Behaviour Design Office and friends who have pitched in with their professional help along the way, and we are sincerely grateful to all who made this journey such a meaningful one.