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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.


Charity: Water Updates

Nylon Coffee Roasters

We just received news of the 2 water projects in Ethiopia (Maileba Communityand Gra Aeman Community) that have just been completed, courtesy of your very kind tips and donations collected during our 2nd anniversary in 2014...

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Guatemala El Apiario

Nylon Coffee Roasters

Christmas is around the corner and some of you might be cracking your head doing some last-minute X’mas shopping. Just in time for this festive season, our new coffee might just be an idea for you. El Apiario is a farm located in the San Pedro Necta...

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2 New Coffees

Nylon Coffee Roasters

Just before we depart for our next sourcing trip, we present to you not one, but 2 new coffees of very different taste profiles. A pair of coffees that reflect 2 types of coffee drinkers - adventure and comfort.The first would be...

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Four Chairs v7

Nylon Coffee Roasters

Version 6 of our Four Chairs Seasonal Espresso has to be one of the shortest run amongst all its predecessors. So we have started serving version 7 this week and this post will be a quick update of the changes to this seasonal espresso blend. 

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Kenya Kabingara

Nylon Coffee Roasters

There is one coffee origin that tends to stand out for the uniqueness of its flavours from other countries. Besides Ethiopia, many find Kenyan coffee compelling and demand for coffee from this country seems to always outstrip its supply.

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