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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.

2 New Coffees


2 New Coffees

Nylon Coffee Roasters



Just before we depart for our next sourcing trip, we present to you not one, but 2 new coffees of very different taste profiles. A pair of coffees that reflect 2 types of coffee drinkers - adventure and comfort.

The first would be the fruit of a new relationship with our producer friends in Guatemala. It has been a logistics “nightmare” trying to bring in coffees from Guatemala this year. Regardless of the pain and frustration, we are relieved the coffees finally arrived at Nylon 2 weeks back. Our friends Sñr and Jñr Edwin Martinez of Finca Vista Hermosa (”FVH”) have been producing outstanding coffees for decades. This year, we visited their farm in Huehuetenango and had the opportunity to cup some of the amazing coffees from FVH as well as the neighbouring farms. Edwin facilitates the export of green coffee from his neighbours and some other producers in Huehuetanango. His network is broad and we are fortunate to have met a few reputable producers through him. 


This year had not been a good year for many coffee producers in Guatemala due to the severe damage of the crops caused by the coffee rust disease. Hence, there was limited coffee available from FVH. We managed to secure a few bags of those gems we cupped, and also a few other coffees from other farms which we felt stood out on the cupping table. Consuelo is one of these coffees. This lot we bought is selected by a coffee producer/consultant, Jorge Villatoro. A few years back, Jorge was approached by the owners to consult/advise them on producing and marketing their high quality micro-lots. 

In this cup, look out for plums and cherry-like acidity with juicy stonefruits. The lush coating of brown sugar sweetness pairs nicely with its rounded texture. The hint of milk chocolate in the finish makes this such a comfort cup that suits everyday drinking.

  • Farm: Consuelo
  • Producer: Jorge and Ernesto Pérez
  • Location - Cuilco, Huehuetenango, Guatemala
  • Altitude: 1400 m asl
  • Varietals:  Bourbon and Caturra
  • Processing: Fully Washed and sun-dried with some mechanical drying due to the wet weather.

Then we have another new African coffee for those who can’t get enough of those juicy Kenyan coffees. The Gatuya Factory (wetmill) is located in Muranga in Central Kenya. Muranga is the neighboring county of Nyeri, so the coffees have similar cup profiles to the Nyeri coffees – intense, complex, and flavor-dense. It is made up of mainly smallholder farms, each with 200 trees in average. They are organized in Cooperative Societies that acts as umbrella organizations for the Factories (wetmills), where the smallholders deliver their coffee cherries for processing. Gatuya is member of New Murarandia Farmers Co-operative Society.

  • Producers: ~ 1150 smallholders in the surrounding areas deliver cherries to the wetmill.
  • Wetmill: Gatuya Factory
  • Cooperative: New Murarandia Farmers Co-operative Society
  • Region: Muranga, Kenya
  • Varietal: SL 28 (99%) and some Ruiru 11 (1%)
  • Altitude: 1750 m asl
  • Processing: All coffees are pulped, dry fermented, washed, soaked and sun-dried. Cherries are hand-sorted for unripes and overripes by the farmers before they go in to production. A disc pulping machine removes the skin and pulp. The coffees are graded by density in to 3 grades by the pulper. Grade 1 and 2 go separately to fermentation. Grade 3 is considered low grade. The coffee is fermented for 16-24 hours under closed shade. After fermentation the coffees are washed and again graded by density in washing channels and are then soaked under clean water for 16-18 hours. The coffee is then sun-dried for up to 21 days on African drying beds. Coffees are covered in plastic during midday and at night.

This coffee brightens your day with juicy black berries, black raisins and prunes. Its sparkling acidity is balanced by yummy candy sweetness. Elegant, clean and superbly rounded cup.

If you have enjoyed Kabingara, this cup will bound to satisfy you as much if not more!

These coffees are available in store and on our webshop. Enjoy!