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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.

Nicaragua Limoncillo & El Salvador Los Pirineos


Nicaragua Limoncillo & El Salvador Los Pirineos

Nylon Coffee Roasters

The F1 weekend brought about much excitement as our small island received throngs of visitors from all over the world. Joining in this frenzy, we launched not one, but 2 new filter coffees onto our retail rack/webshop.

First up is a farm located in Matagalpa region of Nicaragua, Finca Limoncillo. We have been featuring coffees from this farm for a while now. This year, we selected 2 lots from Finca Limoncillo of different processing methods. The first one that we have rolled out is a washed-processed Javanica. For those who are interested to find out more about this bean varietal, please read our past blog post. This bean varietal has always been one of our favourites with its unique flavour profile that tends to be more tea-like and floral.

This coffee was quite a tough nut to crack in nailing the roast profile which we felt would showcase this coffee’s inherent characteristics. After a few test roasts, we think we have gotten very close to what we enjoy in the cup. This cup is predominantly tea-like, with lots of sweetness coupled with nougat and milk chocolate. Super clean with mild undertones of floral notes. 

Farm: LImoncillo
Producer: Mierisch Family
Municipal: Yasica Norte
Region: Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Farm Manager: Santos Demitrio Flores
Varietal: Javanica
Altitude: 1200 masl
Processing: Dry fermented then washed and dried on African beds

Our next new coffee is also a familiar name from Los Pirineos, El Salvador. About a year ago, we featured the Pacamara varietal from this farm. It was a semi-washed coffee. This year, we visited Gilberto Baraona at his lab in San Salvador. After cupping the samples from this year’s harvest, we shorlisted a honey-processed Pacamara. The difference between the 2 methods is the about of mucilage left on the bean after depulping. For semi-washed, about 10 to 20% of the mucilage is left on the bean, whereas the honey-processed coffee has 100% mucilage left on the bean before sending off to dry on raised beds for 20-22 days.

This cup presents itself beautifully with a melange of raisins, peaches and red grapes. Complemented by a milky texture with brown sugar sweetness and baker’s chocolate in the finish, this is a coffee for those who seek a sweet and balanced cup.

Producer: Gilberto Baraona
Region: Tecapa-Chinameca, Usulutan, El Salvador
Varietal: Pacamara
Altitude: 1480 masl
Processing: Semi-washed. The cherries are depulped, with 10-20% of mucilage remaining and dried on African raised beds in full sun for 20-22 days with cover at night.

Both coffees are available in store or on web.