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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.

Guatemala Miralvalle


Guatemala Miralvalle

Nylon Coffee Roasters

It has been crazily hectic since we got back from Colombia. Besides catching up on our usual roasting duties, we were running on full steam in test roasting new coffees to fill up the gaps on our retail racks and webshop. Rolling out new coffees is always exciting but stressful at the same time as we try to nail down the best profile which we feel works for each new coffee.

First up would be a new relationship we established with a producer in Guatemala, Jorge Heberto Villatoro Gómez. We were introduced to Jorge through our friends at Onyx Coffee. Back in February this year, we met Jorge at his office/warehouse in Huehuetenango to cup samples of his harvests this year. Jorge has a gentle demeanour. He looks youthful despite his coffee experience that has spanned for more than a decade. Being born into a coffee family, Jorge grew up amongst coffee trees and now, he owns 2 farms together with his family - Finca Miralvalle and Finca Montecristo. He also helps to manage another farm with his agronomy background. On top of running his coffee “empire”, he is taking night classes for a law degree!

Jorge participates in several international competitions, which have brought much recognition to the farms for its cup quality. One of the lots from Miravalle came in 10th position in this year’s Cup of Excellence. This farm is located in a rainforest, with a special micro-climate, which allows slow maturation. The cold caused by the altitude and local climate allows slow ripening which gives more structure to the formation of coffee, and greater sweetness. There is a registered private nature reserve on the property in which they are committed to taking care of their land. Due to the altitude and climate, Miralvalle is one of the last farms in finishing its crop. So when most of coffees in Huehuetenango has been harvested, Miralvalle starts to harvest the coffee cherries.

At Jorge’s cupping lab, we tasted samples from his farms, as well as other farms in the Huehuetenango region which he helps to manage/export. We shortlisted a coffee from Miralvalle as it exhibited great balance of fruit tones and sweetness. 

We are excited to share this new coffee as the latest single origin espresso. It starts off with dark fruits acidity and notes of black grapes and raisins. Enjoy the bountiful brown sugar sweetness and dark chocolate in the finish. It is a balanced and rounded coffee that works well both black or with milk.

Farm: Miralvalle
Producer: Jorge Heberto Villatoro Gómez
Region: San Pedro Necta, Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Varietal: Caturra , Bourbon and Catimor
Altitude: 1400 - 1900 masl
Processing: Fully washed and dried on patios in the sun

This coffee is available on our retail racks or webshop.