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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.


Filtering by Tag: espresso

Fresh crops from El Salvador

Nylon Coffee Roasters


As we celebrate the nation's 52nd birthday, we are delighted to roll out 2 new coffees from our long time favourite producers in a country that has been close to heart. El Salvador was the first country which gave us a big leap in confidence when we start importing coffees directly from origins. The producers whom we have been fortunate to meet back in 2012/3 have been supporting us throughout our early years. Now that Nylon is 5 years old, we are glad we maintained this meaningful relationship with our friends in El Salvador. 

Finca Santa Petrona, is located around the Santa Ana volcano in the western part of El Salvador. Growing primarily the Red Bourbon varietal (80%), there is also a small amount of Pacas and Pacamara. Finca Santa Petrona has been recognised as one of the farms in Santa Ana that produces excellent coffees. The success of the farm is a result of its core values: respect to the workers and to the local communities as well as maintaining good harmony with the environment. The coffee from Santa Petrona is processed at Beneficio Tuxpal, which is managed by Federico Pacas, with the help of his siblings. Beneficio Tuxpal is well-organised, clean and professionally managed. Though this wet/dry mill is already quite impressive, Federico has been investing in raised bed drying and shade-drying. The coffee which we have selected from this year's harvest is a black-honey processed lot with 85%-90% mucilage left on the bean before drying on raised beds for 18 days. We selected this lot for its pleasing grapes and dried raisins notes, which together with the dark chocolate finish and milky texture, creates a fruity chocolate bar experience.

Farm: Finca Santa Petrona
Producer: Pacas Diaz family
Region: Santa Ana, El Salvador
Wet/Dry mill: Beneficio Tuxpal
Varietal: Red Bourbon
Altitude: 1450 masl
Processing: Black honey process; dried on raised beds for 18 days


The other new coffee we have started roasting recently is from another well-known producer with almost celebrity like status, Mr Gilberto Baraona. Over the years, we have been following Gilberto in his pursuit towards better quality. He has invested in securing better water source for his farm in Usulutan, and also put in more resources to build drying beds as the demand for his honey and natural processed coffees increases over the years. We decided on a honey-processed lot this year which exhibited juicy fruit tones and good sweetness when we first cupped the samples. This honey-processed lot meant that after the skin has been removed from the coffee cherries, 100% of the mucilage is left on the bean before sending off to dry on raised beds. We're tasting a mix of red plums and red grapes, coupled with brown sugar sweetness and a chocolate finish. This is a coffee that would be great for any time of the day. Comforting with just the right amount of fruit tones that is balanced out by the sweetness and body.

Farm: Finca Los Pirineos
Producer: Mr Gilberto Baraona
Region: Tecapa-Chinameca, Usulutan, El Salvador
Varietal: Pacamara
Altitude: 1480 masl
Processing: Honey process; dried on raised beds for 20-22 days.

Both coffees are available on our webshop.

Back with the Brazilian samba

Nylon Coffee Roasters

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It's been a while since we have roasted a coffee from Brazil. It's probably rather odd as Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world. It has always been a challenge when sourcing for coffees from this country. While this vast country has surpassed other countries in terms of coffee production, it has always been a challenge to find coffees that ticks the boxes in terms of our cup criteria that we're looking for. Many international buyers/roasters look to Brazils for their espresso blends for its lower acid profile, bigger body with distinct nutty or chocolatey finish. However, as the demand for specialty coffee increases globally, more Brazilian producers are moving towards more quality-driven initiatives that has helped to raise the bar locally, and there are gems to be found when one look hard enough.

A couple of months back, we reached out to our export partners for samples of the fresh harvests. We included a couple of Brazils in our request to broaden our coffee selection. We were looking for a sweet and clean Brazil. Fortunately, we found one which cupped the best amongst those we have tried. This cup is from Fazenda Machado. 

Fazenda Machado is owned by Mr. Agnon Araujo and is situated in Piatã in the Chapada Diamantina region of Bahia. The farm is at 1,240 masl and covers 100 ha, although only 18 ha are used for growing coffee. Mr. Araujo grows a mixture of different varietals, Catuaí, Acauã , Catucaí, Topazio, and Bourbon. Mr. Araujo is from a coffee producing family in this area. He grew up on a farm in Piatã with his parents who managed a small plantation. He initially left for greener pastures to São Paulo for work. After some years in São Paulo he realised that he was missing where he came from, the outdoors and lifestyle of farming and being close to his family. He enjoys working with his hands, planting fruit trees and began to plan to buy a farm. At Fazenda Machado, they strive to produce the best quality and to take advantage of the unique coffee growing region the farm is located in. They process the coffees in all 3 forms - Natural, Pulped Natural and washed. Currently the coffees are dried on a cement patio, and raked regularly.

The coffees from Bahia are particularly distinctive compared to coffees grown in other parts of Brazil, this coffee from Fazenda Machado stands out for its sweetness, balance and subtle fruit tones. As an espresso, the red apple notes come through prominently followed by macadamia nuts in the finish. Its lush mouthfeel reminds one of creamy peanut butter. Yums!

Farm: Machado
Producer: Agnon Araujo
Region: Piatã, Bahia, Brazil
Varietal: Catuai, Acaia, Bourbon
Altitude: 1240m asl
Processing: Pulped natural

Available now in store and on our webshop.