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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.


Filtering by Tag: el salvador

El Salvador Finca San José

Nylon Coffee Roasters

Natural drying on patio

This month has been frantic as we roll out another new fresh crop from the Centrals to complement our range of single origin espresso. Introducing Finca San José, from El Salvador, not to be confused with the farm with the same name that we had last year from the Mierisch family in Nicaragua. We had the opportunity to cup this coffee with our friends from Viva Espresso in their cupping lab in San Salvador and it easily went into our shortlist. This farm is located in Sonsonate (Western El Salvador) with altitude ranging from 1379 to 1645m asl. We actually travelled through this town back in 2011 when we took some time off work, so it stuck to us fairly easily when we started to find out more about this farm. Rummaging the history books, Finca San José was purchased by Mr Rodolfo Ruffatti in 1934. The farm is currently owned by the great-grandchildren, Mr Mauricio Ruffatti and his sisters, Adela and Fiorella.

The farm produces mainly Red Bourbon, and also Pacas and Pacamara. Many of the Bourbon trees in the original plantation are still productive at almost 80 years old of age. The coffee is processed at Beneficio Tuxpal, which is managed by our friend, Federico Pacas. When we visited Beneficio Tuxpal, we were impressed by the operations of the wet and dry mill. Federico and his team have put in a lot of effort to produce and process high quality coffees. We are very honoured to have the opportunity to work with Federico and this coffee is one of the two we have bought from Cafe Tuxpal. This particular lot from Finca San José is a fully washed coffee. It is super clean and sweet with notes of dark cherries and sultanas. One would love the creamy mouthfeel of the espresso and for milk-based coffee drinkers, you might find yourself drinking a hot cup of chocolate sundae!

  • Farm: Finca San Jose
  • Producer: Ruffatti family
  • Region: Sonsonate, El Salvador
  • Wet/Dry mill: Beneficio Tuxpal
  • Varietal: Red Bourbon
  • Altitude: 1379 - 1645m asl
  • Processing: Washed and sun-dried