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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.


Filtering by Tag: el palmito

Colombia El Palmito

Nylon Coffee Roasters

When you go black, you never go back

Something new from the Southern continent has arrived. We are really excited to roll out this new single origin from Colombia, a beautiful country which we visited last July. We were amazed by the landscape and this country is truly blessed with widespread agricultural land. As we only had limited time to explore this country, we spent most of our time in the Huila region. During this trip, we were introduced to an exporter, Jairo of Banexport, who specialises in specialty coffee. It was through this relationship that we manage to bring in 2 coffees from Colombia this year. We first tried the sample of El Palmito back in Oct last year. We were really impressed by its sweetness and clean cup. We knew immediately that we wanted this coffee, especially when we found out that the farm is only a tiny 8 hectares in size! This farm has both the caturra varietal and the Colombian varietal. This microlot which we bought is 100% caturra and was processed separately from the Colombian varietal.

  • Farm: El Palmito
  • Producer: Alipio Zuñiga
  • Municipality: Acevedo
  • Region: Huila, Colombia
  • Varietal: Caturra
  • Altitude: 1600m asl
  • Processing: Fermentation in concrete tanks for 20 hours. Parabolic sun dried for 8 days
Typical parchment coffees stored in colourful bags

This coffee works beautifully as a brew. Stonefruits and sugarcane sweetness dominate this cup. We taste apricots, peaches and Red Delicious apples. This is a crisp and clean cup. The sweet lingering finish has hints of chocolate which we think will make this coffee a crowd pleaser.

This is our first direct import from Colombia and we look forward to revisit this country again to source for coffees from other regions.