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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.


Filtering by Tag: coffeeonwheels

Coffees on wheels

Nylon Coffee Roasters


As we continue to move up the next gear towards opening our doors to the public, we thought maybe we should move the focus off the shop, and onto something that we have been doing for a while over the past few months - mobile coffees!

Probably not the newest idea in town but hey, we can always reuse the same stuff if we think we can do it better, right? So off we went, designing a coffee cart that takes in everything that we throw at it, weighs slightly less than a ton (no, I’m kidding) but most important of all, looks amazing. We wanted to explore serving coffees in a different way, and so we came out with a simple menu. We thought being mobile doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice on the equipment, so we loaded our cart with top notch machines and grinders. We seek out locally fresh roasted coffees by working with roasters such as Liberty Coffee and Papa Palheta. And we even fill our water containers from a 4 stage filtering system!


We had incredible experiences making coffees at the various locations, whether it was a new store outlet promo launch, an intimate Valentine’s day treat for the office staff in the pantry, an engagement luncheon or a beautiful wedding. We thoroughly enjoyed each and every outing and it’s hard not feeling fulfilled when you a put a smile onto everyone after each cup.


We look forward to a lineup of more events in the coming months but if you think you like to have us over at your birthday, wedding or a special occasion, feel free to send us an email:
