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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.


Filtering by Tag: Thermometer

A useful brewing tool: Cooper-Atkins Digital Thermometer

Nylon Coffee Roasters


When customers watch us brew in the shop, we frequently get asked about our brewing temperature. Why is water temperature important? It all boils down to extraction and how it makes the coffee taste good. Too hot, you might end up burning the coffee and cause unpleasant bitterness. Too low, you might not get the best flavours of the coffee. So in the shop, we measure the water temperature for every cup of filter brew we do. In general, we use water at around 93-94 degree celsius for brewing on the Kalita wave dripper and around 90 degree celsius for the Aeropress. (Note: while we have done taste tests of brewing with different temperature, the recommended temperature is purely a starting guide. To fine tune the taste, one should experiment with different temperatures and adjust according to taste)

We have tried various brands of thermometers, but many come with some flaws. There are good digital ones available in the market, but might end up burning a hole in your pocket. Analog thermometers are more affordable, but it takes too long for the temperature to stabilize for brewing purposes. Not easy to find a fast, durable and affordable digital thermometer in Singapore that is suitable for brewing. We tried quite a number from Amazon and they all died on us after severe brewing usage, mainly due to the thermometer’s incapability to handle water vapour. A few months ago, we came across a Cooper-Atkins digital thermometer and decided to give it a try. It had a long stem which works well for most small to medium-sized kettles. Its narrow tip also gives it a quick response time of < 6 seconds, probably something around 3-4 seconds. Having it as water-proof is extremely After using it for a few months, we are quite convinced that this is one of the better digital thermometers we have used.


To complement our range of brewing accessories, we decided to retail the Cooper-Atkins DFP450W digital thermometer at Nylon, feel this is another good investment for those who truly want to brew a consistent and good cup. Available off our retail rack and online store.