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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.


Ethiopia Bokasso

Nylon Coffee Roasters


We are excited to welcome back one of our popular African single origin espresso from earlier this year – Bokasso. For those who had tried this coffee a few months back, we present the new crop of Bokasso from this year’s harvest. This coffee from Sidama is a gem with lovely floral aromatics and layers of flavours that tantalise your palate as you sip the espresso.

The Bokasso Cooperative belongs to the Sidamo Coffee Growers  Cooperative Union which is the umbrella organization for all the Sidamo cooperatives and is the one that ensures the quality, lot separation, sampling, dry milling and bagging. Bokasso is also part of a project by TechnoServe to improve lot separation. They are using traceability sheets to track coffees from days of production at drying tables all the way to the warehouse. The washing station is in an area with great growing conditions and this is translated into an excellent cup.


We thought this coffee was quite a killer espresso from last year’s harvest and this year’s crops did not disappoint too. Floral and fruit tea-like aromas followed by citrus, red berries and lavender notes. This coffee is creamy and sweet with a lingering finish that makes it quite a memorable cup.

  • Cooperative: Bokasso
  • Zone: Dalle, Sidama
  • Woreda/Local municipality: Wonsho
  • Altitude: About 2000 masl
  • Varietals: Ethiopian Heirloom. Improved varietals and native coffee of forest origin transferred to family smallholder plots and gardens. In this case referred to as Sidamo type
  • Processing: Pulped and wet fermented, graded in washing channels, soaked in water and sundried.
  • Drying: Sun dried 10 – 15 days on African drying beds on hessian cloths. Coffees are covered in plastic during midday and at night.