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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.


Ethiopia Biftu Gudina

Nylon Coffee Roasters


As Konga (Natural) is coming to an end, here comes another new Ethiopian coffee to spice up our offerings of African coffees. Next up is a coffee from a new cooperative, Biftu Gudina. This cooperative was established in 2012, and is located in the Agaro - Goma woreda (district) within the Jimma zone. There are about 130 smallholders who are members of Biftu Gudina. This cooperative is located in an area that is starting to be known for producing spicy coffee with intense flavours and unique attributes. Biftu Gudina was created with the help of Technoserve, a NGO that supports farmers in setting up washing stations and new cooperative structures. The cooperative is led by strong management and was able to produce quality coffee since year one of operation. They have waste water treatment based on Vetiver grass naturally filtrating the water before it goes into the pits and finally the ground.

One interesting feature of this coffee is its varietal. This coffee is mainly an improved native varietal called 1274, but also a mix of Ethiopian Heirloom. Ethiopia, being an “origin of all origins”, has hundreds of heirloom varietals. This is the first time for us, tasting this Ethiopian varietal 1274. There is the lovely floral fragrance and fruitiness typical of Ethiopian coffees, but it also exhibits hints of spices in the finish, like fresh white pepper, which we thought was quite unique.

We enjoy this coffee as a filtered brew, but we have also tasted its sweetness when pulled as an espresso. Either way, this is just delicious.

  • Cooperative: Biftu Gudina
  • Producers: About 130 smallholders
  • Municipality:Agaro - Goma Woreda
  • Region: Jimma, Ethiopia
  • Varietal: Improved native varietal called 1274 and Ethiopian Heirloom
  • Altitude: 1975m asl
  • Processing: De-pulped using Penagos eco-pulper, soaked in clean water for 8 hours. Sorted for about 6 hours after soaking and dried on African raised beds for 10 days. Coffees are covered in plastic or shade nets during midday and at night.

Photo credit: Dominik Mucklow