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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.

Colombia Planadas


Colombia Planadas

Nylon Coffee Roasters

Product of Colombia

The last Colombian coffee for the year comes from the ASOPEP (Asociacion de Productores Ecologicos de Planadas), in the Tolima region. ASOPEP was created in 2013 and comprises of 53 members. It combines more than 40 villages covering over 400 hectares of coffee farms. The average altitude is 1700 masl. The farmers in this association grow various varietals, such as Caturra, Castillo, Colombian, Typica, Bourbon and Geisha. Most of which are shade grown. ASOPEP members process their coffee by the washed method and the beans are naturally sun-dried, mainly under parabolic dryers. ASOPEP has obtained organic certification, creating more market opportunities for its members.

Last year, we selected 2 lots from ASOPEP, one of which was Herrera, which we featured as a component of Four Chairs, and also as a single origin espresso. This other lot comes from the municipal of Planadas. While both come from the same region, the flavour profile is distinctly different. The fruit notes of Planadas encompasses a mix of blackcurrants, dried figs and plums. Its creamy mouthfeel and lingering finish makes this a real killer espresso. Last but not least, the brown sugar sweetness with hints of chocolate in the finish rounds up the cup nicely for a perfect ending.

With the excellent coffees found in Colombia from our trip in 2014, we really look forward to visit again end of this year to source for more delicious coffees. Meanwhile, better get a bag soon as the next Colombian coffee will be a longggg wait.

  • Association:  Asociacion de Productores Ecologicos de Planadas (ASOPEP)
  • Number of members: 53
  • Region: Planadas, Tolima, Colombia
  • Dry Mill: Banexport
  • Varietal: Castillo and Colombian
  • Altitude: 1700m asl
  • Processing: Washed and dried on parabolic beds

Available at S$19.50 (300g) in store and online.