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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.


Brazil Fazenda Santa Rosa

Nylon Coffee Roasters


Following some Africans that were rolled out in recent weeks, it is nice to have a change in our offering this time round, with a new Brazilian coffee showcased as a single origin espresso.

Fazenda Santa Rosa is located in the tropical climate of Soledade de Minas, 15 km from Carmo de Minas. The farm enjoys the perfect conditions for specialty coffee with a relatively high altitude, and well-drained fertile soil. Since purchasing the undulating hills of land that was to become his farm Santa Rosa in 1986, Samir Matuck has worked tirelessly to build his farm from the ground up. Now coffee plantations occupy the hills and stretch for over 150 hectares. This lot is pure Yellow Bourbon. The farm is also planted with Acaiá, Catuaí, and Yellow Icatú varieties. 

The processing of cherries at Santa Rosa has been gradually built on and improved over the past 20+ years. Today the facilities encompass washing channels for the separation of unripe cherries, paved drying patios for preliminary drying, and 10 wooden silos for the control of individual production lots. The coffee produced on the estate is laid to rest in the silos before final dry processing.

The way these coffees are processed is known as pulped natural. Pulped natural coffees are mechanically processed to remove the pulp, or flesh, of the cherry. This process, which was introduced in Brazil in 1991, is very common in the country besides sun-dried or also commonly known natural-processed coffees, where the coffee cherries are harvested and dried directly.

Most Brazilian coffees tend to suffer from astringent and “peanut-ty” flavours due to the way the cherries are harvested mechanically in a massive way. Santa Rosa turned out to be surprisingly clean and elegant, a result of a high degree of sorting and pickings to remove the unripes. We taste delicate sweet plums and stone fruit acidity with warm spices to round up the cup. This espresso has creamy yet balanced and exhibit plenty of caramel coated nuts to the coffee. This is one comfort cup for those who just want to enjoy a nice clean Brazilian coffee.

  • Farm: Santa Rosa
  • RegionCarmo de Minas, Brazil
  • TownSoledade de Minas
  • Altitude: 1140m asl
  • ProducerSamir Matuck
  • Varietal: Yellow Bourbon.
  • Processing Pulped Natural