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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.

Boa Vista from Celso & Getrudes


Boa Vista from Celso & Getrudes

Nylon Coffee Roasters


Launching new coffees always excite us, because we love to share good coffee that we enjoy ourselves. This new one we are rolling out adds a tad more excitement as it is our first time offering a coffee from Brazil, which will be featured for filter brew.

Celso and Gertrudes reside in the mountainous region in the district of Caconde, which is in the state of Sao Paulo. At an altitude of 1200 to 1340 meters above sea level, comprising 8 hectares of coffee farm. The varietals which are cultivated include Catuai, Mundo Novo, and Bourbon. The methods of production were for commodity purposes until 2006 when they began to pulp their coffee after harvesting. They discovered that their coffee was truly special and went on to win the specialty coffee contest for the state of Sao Paulo 2 years in a row. In the 3rd year, it was placed amongst the 50 best coffees of Brazil in the Cup of Excellence. In 2007, they met Marcos Croce of Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza, who helped them in taking samples of their coffee to the United States, and thus, they made their 1st ever direct-trade sale outside of Brazil.


Marcos continued to take their coffees to other countries and by sharing their stories, Celso & Gertrudes have been receiving better prices. By partnering with FAF, various coffee buyers have visited them from different countries, including us. We want to buy coffees that we feel are tasting delicious, but we always feel doubly heartened when we managed to buy exceptional coffees that are grown in the balance of the environment. We visited Celso & Gertrudes when we made our 1st trip to Brazil in August 2014. It was such a beautiful place. On their farm, the springs are protected and the garbage is selectively separated and taken to recycling depots. They do not use agro-toxic chemicals in their soil and most of the products they use are organic. The harvests are done completely by hand selectively and almost all done by their own family. The drying process has traditionally been on cement patios but now, most are done on raised beds. They are not doing this because they want to market their coffees in a certain way but rather they are truly concerned about how we are treating our lands and water, and they want this land to continue to produce great coffees when it is handed down to their son Denner in the years ahead.


For this lot of Red Catuai Naturals, we find elegant acidity of red apples, black grapes and raisins. Brown sugar sweetness from start to finish and ending off with warming chocolate notes. Incredibly clean and sweet, this cup showcases the stars of Brazilian specialty coffee.

Farm: Sítio Boa Vista
Producer: Celso and Gertrudes Augusto
Region: Caconde, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dry Mill: Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza
Varietal: Red Catuai
Altitude: 1200 - 1340m asl
Processing: Selective picking of ripe cherries and dried on raised beds for 14-20 days.

Available immediately in store or webshop.