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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.

Four Chairs v12


Four Chairs v12

Nylon Coffee Roasters

Bags of coffee parchment after drying on the patio

Bags of coffee parchment after drying on the patio

Some of you might have noticed a change of colour in the label for Four Chairs recently, together with new taste descriptors. We started roasting the new version of Four Chairs about 2 weeks back so this update has been slightly overdue.

Version 12 comprises of 2 coffees from Central America - El Salvador and Guatemala.

  • Finca Santa Petrona, El Salvador - 50%
  • La Esperanza, Guatemala - 50%

Finca Santa Petrona should be a familiar name to those who have been having our coffees over the past few years. Every year, we visit our friends of the Pacas family in El Salvador. They are always so hospitable and we always look forward to catching up with them when we visit this beautiful country. Their wet and dry mills are immaculately clean and well-organised. This year, we again shortlisted a fully-washed red bourbon varietal to be a blend component. Coffees from Finca Santa Petrona have been consistently clean, sweet and balanced year after year.

Turning the coffee parchment during the drying process is necessary to ensure even drying over prolonged period

Turning the coffee parchment during the drying process is necessary to ensure even drying over prolonged period

The other component of Four Chairs V12 is a new find through our friends at Onyx Coffee. La Esperanza is owned by Francisco Morales, who started in coffee at age 16. His farm is located in El Coyegual within the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala at an altitude of approximately 1,600masl. Francisco is a gentleman that greets you with a wide smile and a friendly pat in your back. His lots are well-manicured and he pays lots of attention on the well-being of his trees. His family’s home sits across the valley from his farm and you can gaze over his entire estate from his drying patios.

The lot we selected for Four Chairs is a mixed varietal lot of Caturra, Catuai and Bourbon. It is fully washed and sun dried on the patios. This coffee is fruit forward yet balanced and also loaded with sweetness.

The new version of Four Chairs espresso blend is full of berries and stonefruits that coats your mouth with a butterscotch sweetness. Look out for a chewy mouthfeel followed by a lingering finish and hints of hazelnuts that complements this well-balanced and clean espresso. Perfect for everyday enjoyment.

Available on in store or on web.