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4 Everton Park
Singapore, 080004

+65 6220 2330

A coffee bar and roastery driven by our beliefs to foster direct, transparent and sustainable relationships with our coffee producers, so as to help us to source, roast and brew some of the most amazing coffees from around the world, to the best we think they should taste and share them with you.


Charity: Water

Nylon Coffee Roasters

Because of your generosity, we managed to collect S$2,862.30 on our 1st year anniversary and an additional S$1,085.50 from the sale and tips of the tote bags and tees, for a grand total of S$3,947.80 going to charity: water.
For those who dropped by…

Because of your generosity, we managed to collect S$2,862.30 on our 1st year anniversary and an additional S$1,085.50 from the sale and tips of the tote bags and tees, for a grand total of S$3,947.80 going to charity: water.

For those who dropped by for coffees on our anniversary, thank you for your kind donations. And big applause to the folks who jazzed up a stellar performance in front of the shop, and last but not least, our much loved volunteers who helped with the silkscreen production.

Brazil Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza

Nylon Coffee Roasters


Since the last bag of Finca Matilde (Honduras) was snapped up from our retail rack, we are a little overdue in rolling out another single origin espresso. This slight delay was because we took a little longer to experiment with this new coffee, tweaking the roast profile a couple of times before we hit the sweet spot of where we felt brought out the best from the cup. We are pleased to finally present our new single origin espresso coffee from Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza (“FAF”), Brazil. Some of you might find this farm familiar. It is actually the same Brazilian farm used in our latest El Primero seasonal espresso blend. However, this is a totally different coffee in terms of varietal, processing method and cup profile. This microlot #48 from FAF is a single varietal, natural processed coffee by producers Silvia Barretto and Marcos Croce. We are really glad we managed to secure some of this microlot coffee, as there were only 6 bags (360kg) of this microlot available from 2012/13 harvest.

Natural (Dry) processed coffees have become quite sought after in recent years due to the belief that when done properly, natural processing can lead to more fruit-toned sweetness and complexity in the cup profile. The risk of this processing method is mold formation and over-fermentation if not properly done. For this FAF microlot, the cherries were picked selectively and dried on raised beds using shade. The raised bed is for increased airflow, control ad hygiene and the shade is to control the temperature. Coffee is predominantly dried by wind but reactions occur during the drying that add more flavours to the cup. Using shade, the temperatures are kept from climbing too high during the day and also to keep these reactions/fermentation positive for flavours development.

This microlot is quite a complex cup. It is loaded with fruity sweetness, like cranberries and grapes coated with a layer of marzipan. There are also hints of hazelnut that linger in the long finish. Coupled with a creamy mouthfeel, this espresso is truly a SWEET treat. 

This new coffee will be retailed as a 300g bag. We have decided to “upsize” the packaging for single origin espresso instead of the previous 250g bags. The rationale is the same as why we package our El Primero seasonal espresso blend in 300g bags. In general, there will be some wastage of beans used to calibrate your espresso shots. This will probably deprive you of 2-3 cups of coffees (might be more sometimes) as you ditch the test shots. Hence, with that additional 50g of coffee, you can now “stretch” that bag for perhaps another day or 2. A resting period of 8-9 days after roast is recommended before use.

We are really happy to share with you this microlot from the good folks at FAF. Their belief in sustainability and care for the environment deserves much respect. Come by Nylon, grab a bag of this new coffee and taste the fruits of their hard work, and ours too : )

  • Farm: Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza Microlot 48
  • Origin: Mococa, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Producer: Silvia Barretto and Marcos Croce
  • Varietal: Red Catuai
  • Process: Natural
  • Altitude: 1100m asl
  • Lot Size: 360 kilos
  • Harvest: June 2012

Ethiopia Michiti

Nylon Coffee Roasters


Michiti land is mainly rugged and marshy is located in Kaffa in West Ethiopia. Coffees are cultivated primarily on family owned plots as well as wild pickings from the forests. Coffees from this Co-op are grown through traditional organic practices but is not certified. In 2010, the Michiti co-operative began working with TechnoServe’s Ethiopia Coffee Initiative. TechnoServe, an NGO founded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to provide business advice and resources to increase production and increase the quality of their coffee. The result is a coffee that has a profile significantly different from the classic washed Ethiopians coffees from Sidamo and Yirgacheffe.

  • Cooperative: Michiti
  • Union: Kaffa Forest Coffee Farmers Co-operative Union
  • Origin: Chena, Kaffa, Ethiopia
  • Altitude: About 1885m asl. Coffees are grown in wild forests & semi-wild forests
  • Producers: About 260 smallholders in the surrounding areas deliver cherries to the wet mill.
  • Varietals: Ethiopian Heirloom “Native Kaffa”

Process: All cherries are hand sorted by the farmers and their families for unripes and overripes. After delivering the coffee to the co-operative, the skin on the cherries are removed, de-pulped and mechanically de-mucilaged by a Penagos Eco Pulper. The parchment is soaked for about 10 hours overnight before it is dried on african elevated drying beds. The coffees are also covered in plastic and shade nets during the midday and the night. Parchment is continuously sorted during drying to eliminate defects. After drying the coffee is kept in conditioning bags for two weeks before it is stored in warehouses before milling and exporting.

Tasting notes: Lively aromas of sweet berries and flowers. Distinct floral notes complemented by berry acidity, reminiscent of raspberries. Overall a very juicy cup with a sweet short finish, delicate yet refreshing.

This coffee was sourced through our partner in Norway and we were really excited when we first cupped this coffee couple of months back. We are glad that we can finally share this with you.

Good Friday Pop Up

Nylon Coffee Roasters

Come Friday, the gals from Sadie Rose and Sarah’s Loft will be back again for another pop-up. This time round, we will also have the folks from Weekend Worker, with their handcrafted pottery, to join us and Batterworks for an awesome Good Frid…

Come Friday, the gals from Sadie Rose and Sarah’s Loft will be back again for another pop-up. This time round, we will also have the folks from Weekend Worker, with their handcrafted pottery, to join us and Batterworks for an awesome Good Friday holiday. Expect loads of bakes all day (till stocks last!) and the usual coffees from us to go along. Bring along everyone in the household, including that old stool lying somewhere in the house, and spend the holiday with us!